Sneakerball Atlanta 2018 Recap
Hey Fam! How have you’ve been? Surviving this thing called life?
I hope so! So many dope things to live for, like this event we had the pleasure of covering this past Saturday.
Sneakerball ATL is this fye (yes I said fye) ass urban philanthropic gala, featuring dope curated talent from artists, designers, educators, parents, and industry tastemakers. (Sneakerball).
Since The House, is big on philanthropy we of course wanted to know how we could be a part. Being a former
Assistant Manager and Co-Manager of two popular shoe stores, this event was right up my alley. PLUS I wanted to show off my favorite Fila Disruptors on December 15th.
First, the location was dope! The water feature at the B Complex had you feeling like Brandy in Cinderella.
Art of various mediums was there. (@ashyin)
Litty is not even the word (can’t think if another) but the purest vibes received from DJ HourGlass and whatever skrong (strong) Sangria the bartenders were providing, definitely set the mood.
Paige, Paige, Paige (@paigeshari) ! Beautiful funny and hype woman of 2018, I gotta go to whatever event she is
Even discovered a new indie artist for y’all to check out @angelrwhite .Her Spotify is Angel White (no I don’t have Apple Music 😒).
Check out this snippet we caught.
At the end Sneakerball ATL raised $12k for at-risk youth and that’s what it’s all about.
Sneakerball gathered every walk of life to a good time, for a good cause and to party for a purpose. Definitely out of my comfort zone but with each event, The House is moving and shaking through Atlanta, so be ready for 2019!
Until the next vibe!
If you see an artist that was not tagged please let us know.